Registrations are still open for the 2024 LMC Speed Championship

By Chairman • February 28th, 2024

Registrations for the 2024 Championship are coming in nicely following this year’s subtle changes that we think competitors will appreciate.

For more information and to enter, please see the Championship website HERE:

New for 2024:

We’re including events at the popular Kames Circuit in our calendar this year, so we now have rounds in England, Scotland and Wales!

There’s also a Champion of Aintree and Barbon award. Contenders in Division 1 and Division 2 will be entered automatically without an additional entry fee. So by taking part in just the LMC events, you could still be a champion!

Have you thought about joining other local championships too?
As a member of Liverpool Motor Club, you could increase your chance of winning an award by also entering the SD34 Sprint & Hillclimb Championship and/or the ANWCC Speed Championship. Most of the qualifying events overlap, so you could do well in any of the Championships without entering any extra events.

Just click the links below for more information.

SD34 Motor Sport Group
ANWCC (Association of North Western Car Clubs)


Page updated 12/05/2024

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