
2024 LMC End of Season Lunch & Championship Awards, 17th November

October 3rd, 2024 • By: Chairman Aintree, Barbon, Bulletins, Events, Hillclimb, News, Social Events, sprint, trackdays

We are delighted to announce we are celebrating our 122nd anniversary with our End of Season Lunch and Championship Awards Presentation at Woolton Golf Club on Sunday 17th November.

This will be a most convivial gathering in the company of up to 100 past & present LMC members, partners, friends and our ever-dedicated marshals.
Everyone is welcome, no matter your connection with the club and its events.

60 tickets have already been sold, will you join us? Ticket applications close on 8th November!

Liverpool Motor Club Lunch and Championship Awards,
Sunday 17th November 2024
Woolton Golf Club, Doe Park, Speke Road,
Woolton, Liverpool L25 7TZ

Signing on: 12pm for a 12.30pm start

Tickets: £25 per person

Dress Code: Smart informal (no denim)

Secretary of the Meeting – Judith Pegram
tel: 07718 903141 email:


Homemade vegetable soup served with crusty roll

Chicken liver pate served with melba toast and red onion chutney

Melon and parma ham

Main Course:

Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding served with roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy

Nut roast with seasonal vegetables


Apple and cinnamon crumble with homemade custard

Sticky toffee pudding with vanilla ice cream

Baked vanilla cheesecake topped with mixed berry compote

Coffee, Tea

Tickets are available to purchase now at the subsidised price of just £25 HERE or at

If you have any special dietary needs (i.e. vegetarian option) please advise the Secretary or add details to the “other information box” at the bottom of the booking form.

Followed by
A selection of Motorsport tales from Jonathan Toulmin

To say that Jonathan has been involved with motorsport for many years is an understatement! His CV includes competing in the British Sprint Championship, competing in MCC trials in his MGTA Cream Cracker and more recently in a Suzuki X90, being Competition Secretary for the Hillclimb & Sprint Association, and…….. well, you’ll have to come along to hear him speak to find out what else he’s done!

We shall also be presenting our Speed Championship Awards and, of course, there will be the opportunity for lots of friendly chat without the pressure of a motorsport event.
All this in the most pleasant atmosphere of the refurbished Woolton Golf Club,

We hope you will be able to join us for this superb event. (Non-members are welcome)

Liverpool Motor Club 1902 – 2024
122 years of motorsport excellence


Updated 01/11/2024

Results & Report for the 31st August Aintree Sprint

September 2nd, 2024 • By: Chairman Aintree, Events, News, Results & Reports, sprint

Results for the 31st August 2024 Aintree Sprint
Timekeeper’s data log including 64ft times and speed trap (for info only, not part of the official results)
Report for the 29th June Aintree Sprint  (and previous events too)

The latest scores in the Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship are available on the Championship website, here:

The results for all our sprint & hillclimb events over the years can be found HERE
Class records for all Aintree sprints since 2018 are HERE

Help wanted: Sporting Bears and Greenpower events at Aintree

August 23rd, 2024 • By: Chairman Aintree, Events, News, trackdays, Uncategorized

Two charity events are coming up at Aintree in September and we’re looking for volunteers to watch over the activities on track.  Can you help?
Previous marshalling experience is not essential at these fun, but extremely worthwhile, events.

 1) Sporting Bears Dream Rides For Kids
– Sunday 1st September.

Background: During the year, Sporting Bears Motor Club members visit various shows and events around the UK and give members of the public rides in a spectacular array of exotic cars in exchange for a donation to the Sporting Bears Charity. The “Bears”, are a dedicated group of classic car and sports car enthusiasts with one primary aim – to raise money for children’s charities through their own social and touring events. It is to the club’s credit that the club members cover the club’s overheads thus allowing all monies raised from events to be directed towards the selected charities.  Since the Club was formed in 1989 they have raised over £3,000,000 for children’s charities in the UK.

Paul Griffiths - Bentley

At Aintree, no money changes hands and the public doesn’t get the rides but, instead, the children, their carers, families and staff from various North West charities are given a “sprint” ride around Aintree Circuit in the Bears’ classic saloons and sports cars, modern supercars and an assortment of sporting kit and competition cars.


 How can you help?

If you can spare some time to look after the “on-track” activities, please come along to help. This could be the most rewarding thing you do in motorsport. Many a helper goes away with a tear in their eye when they see the reactions of the kids, virtually all of whom are being treated for serious and sometimes life-threatening health conditions. “The best day of my life” is an often-heard response from the kids. Those who helped with previous Dream Rides for Kids days at Aintree without exception said afterwards that they had a brilliant time.

We need at least a dozen volunteers to keep an eye on the Circuit, and to report any problems so we can ensure that the event runs safely. This is not a race, it’s not competition, and overtaking isn’t allowed, but many of the cars will be driving at speed, which is why we need observers to keep everyone safe.

It’s amazing to see the kids’ reaction when taken around the circuit in a Ferrari, Porsche, Police car or Fire Engine (yes, the Police & Fire services normally give rides too – the hardest of men have been seen to shed a tear or two, it really is that emotional!

For a flavour of the kind of cars taking part, there are loads of photos here of a previous year’s event at Aintree.

Can you help?
To save time on Sunday morning when it all gets a bit busy, please sign on here before the event. You can just turn up on the day but we’d appreciate you telling us in advance so that we know someone is turning up to help!

Date: Sunday 1st September, the day after our next Aintree Sprint (we need marshals for that too!).
Provisional timetable:
6.30 – Gates open
8.30 – Signing on opens
9.30 – Marshals Briefing 
9.30 – Drivers briefing and refreshments provided for Drivers, Marshals and helpers (Sponsor wanted)
9.30 – Children start to arrive and sign on
9.50 – Participants sighting lap convoy run
10.00 – Dream Rides start.
12.30 – Lunch provided for Marshals and helpers (Sponsor wanted)
12.30 – PM session children sign-on
13.30 – Dream Rides start for the afternoon sessions
16.30 – Dream Rides finish
16.45 – Pack up

Previous experience is not essential and (for obvious legal and health reasons) you won’t be asked to deal directly with the children. If you can help for even just part of the day, please come along. Without people to marshal the event, it simply won’t happen. So that’s potentially 150 kids who won’t have smiles on their faces – and we can’t let that happen, can we?!!!

For more information, please contact LMC Chairman, John Harden via our secure messaging service.  

Anyone wishing to offer their car to give rides will need to contact Shirley Hennesey at Sporting Bears Motor Club as they need to vet every driver before allowing them to take part.

2) Greenpower Electric Car Races
– Wednesday 11th September

We need volunteers to help with this year’s Greenpower event when, once again, we are looking after safety on track for the Greenpower Charity’s 15th annual visit to Aintree.

Liverpool MC is looking after safety on the track as usual and we need a dozen people to tell us when cars stop and to ensure the safe running of the event.
Would you like to be involved with this unusual event? It’s a great opportunity for Motorsport enthusiasts to contribute to the careers of engineers of the future.
There will be two endurance races for the Formula 24 cars (secondary education pupils) separated by a 1-hour race for the Formula 24+ cars (further education and corporate competitors).


What is Greenpower? The Greenpower Trust is a charitable organisation that promotes engineering as a rewarding career, while also focusing on sustainability, teamwork and the community.
How? Students have to design, build and then race simple electrically powered cars.  Or the school can buy a kit car to develop themselves. Greenpower specifies certain design parameters, mostly safety-related, supplies a standard 24v electric motor and batteries, and then the teams get on and build a car. Several of the cars contain amazing leading-edge technology, and some past pupils have gone on to careers in F1 motorsport. The project is part of the National Curriculum and even attracts teams from Europe & the USA.

For those of you who haven’t been before, there’s nothing strenuous or dangerous about your duty, but don’t jump out in front of one of the cars, Some can be averaging over 35mph around the circuit and they don’t slow down for the corners! The day is particularly suitable for our less active (or more senior) helpers as you can sit down in the comfort of your car or armchair (if you bring one!) and watch the cars go by. Can you help?

You’ll need to be on-site by 08.30 am, and the last race will finish at 4.45 pm. There will be Breakfast from 7.30 am for early arrivals. Hot and cold drinks and a sandwich lunch will be provided to volunteers too, but as the lunch break is just 30 minutes we recommend you bring food & drink with you, as that 30 min includes getting to & from your post. The timetable is very tight and the race start won’t be delayed!
We already have half a dozen volunteers but could do with several more. Motorsport marshalling experience is not necessary and there is no need for orange fireproofs! Please let us know if you can help or know someone who may be interested in coming along to assist with this charity event. The more people we get, the more interesting it will be for all of us!

If you can help, please tell LMC Chief Marshal Bill Gray so he knows who’s going to turn up:

Date: Wednesday 11th September
08.30 – Marshals’ Briefing
09.00 – 10.30 – Practice
10.40 – F24 cars to startline
11.00 – 12.30 – F24 Race 1 (Ages 11 – 16)
12.30 – 13.00 – Lunch
13.10 – F24+ cars to startline (Ages 16 – 25)
13.30 – 14.30 – F24+ Race 1
14.55 – F24 cars to startline
15.15 – 16.45 – F24 Race 2 (Ages 11 – 16)
17.00 – Pack up circuit
17.15 – Awards presentation


If you know of anyone who would like to come along to help marshal either of these great events, please spread the word. But we do need to know who’s coming so that we can be sure we have enough marshals.

If you can help please LMC Chief Marshal Bill Gray so he knows who’s going to turn up:

Whilst spectators are welcome we’d rather you helped, even for just half a day.
Access is from Melling Road, Liverpool L10 8LF – just follow the signs for Aintree Golf Centre. But please tell us you are coming along!

(Links updated 23/8/2024)

Final call for the August 31st Aintree Sprint

August 19th, 2024 • By: Chairman Aintree, Events, News, sprint, trackdays, Uncategorized
Entries for the 31st August Aintree Sprint will close at 22:00 on Wednesday 21st August .
Don’t miss your chance to take part in Aintree’s final competitive event of the season!
For more information and to enter, see
Updated 19/08/2024

Results & Report for the July 2024 Barbon Hillclimb

July 15th, 2024 • By: Chairman Barbon, Events, Hillclimb, News, Results & Reports

Results for the July 2024 Barbon hillclimb

Report for the July 2024 Barbon hillclimb

Entry list, July 2024. (Note: Some competitors did not start.)

The latest scores in the Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship are available on the Championship website, here:


Page updated 23/7/2024